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The Gathering of the Tribe

The Gathering of the Tribe

This tribe is our community, our church, our group of like minded individuals. We share stories, make deep connections on runs using little or no...
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In Search of the Holy Grail

In Search of the Holy Grail

Erik post hill race. photo: Jess Schulte By Erik Schulte On our first night in Scotland we rummaged through a stack of dvd’s at the cottage where...
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On Ritual and Practice

On Ritual and Practice

"I would move forward, learn,  grow, and ever so slowly, change. This didn’t come without challenges though. Running isn’t always fun, and change is almost always uncomfortable." - Erik...
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Photo: Erik Schulte

Eat Your Breakfast

By: Erik Schulte I woke to a line of ants crawling single file across the crispy outer shell of my bivy sack. The desert sand had...
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The Hungry World of the Working Class  

The Hungry World of the Working Class  

I soon found that the GFB PB & J Bites  and Peanut Butter Bars did just the trick. These hardy and delicious snacks easily keep me from binging on...
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