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Why The GFB?

Ridiculously Tasty.

At The GFB, we always focus on making the best tasting gluten-free food that money can buy. You don't need to take our word for it, we have hundreds upon hundreds of customer reviews that your are welcome to read through, but it may take awhile (insert link to a review page). We also have an ever-present, but seldom used, no-questions-asked return policy.

Protein Packed.

Have you ever had a snack, thinking it would carry you to your next meal, and then you were hungry again in 10 minutes? Us too. That's why protein is such a big deal. If you're going to spend your money on our products, we want you to be satisfied until your next meal. Everything we make has plenty of plant-based complete protein. Not being hungry never tasted so good.

Good-for-you-food food made in good-for-you ways.

Allow us to explain further...
1. We make food that is actually good for you and we use quality ingredients that are non-GMO, certified vegan, certified gluten-free, certified kosher and mostly organic.
2. WE DO NOT OUTSOURCE OUR PRODUCTION. Unfortunately, a lot of the food people eat these days is made in factories. At The GFB, we operate our own facility and hire our own local workforce. Sustainability is a big deal for us. Heck, we even became a Certified B Corp to prove it. BTW, we are also a zero waste facility ;)

But what's on the inside?

Ingredient 1

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Ingredient 2

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Ingredient 3

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Ingredient 4

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Ingredient 5

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Ingredient 6

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