I've tried many gluten-free snack bars over the years. However, most of them suck because they contain peanuts (which I'm also allergic to) or have absolutely no substance to them and have zero effect on my hunger pangs.
Then I discovered the Cranberry GFB and I was hooked! They taste great, they contain zero peanuts, they are hearty and help tide me over for a couple of hours. I have a physical job, and having a solid GF snack option is essential. The GFB is it. I have ordered them by the boxload over the years and always carry a few in my work bag and in my car.
Occasionally I have shared one with somebody who needed a snack, and everybody who tried them for the first time really liked them, too.
I usually order them via their store on Amazon. Recently I wanted to order a box to take on vacation with me but for some reason Amazon delivery date was well over a week out, not until I was already gone. I contacted TGFB to see if they could help. Three days later I had them in my mailbox.
The GFB is awesome!