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The Gluten Free Bar Rebrands as The Gluten Free Brothers

The Gluten Free Bar Rebrands as The Gluten Free Brothers

For immediate release
MAY 18, 2022

Contact: John Torre
Phone 616-755-8432
Email john@thegfb.com

Contact: Patricio Fuentes
Phone 818-551-6891
Email pato@gelcomm.com

Contact: Lin Ver Meulen
Phone 616-862-3071
Email lin@squareonedesign.com

GRAND RAPIDS, Michigan--What happens when you grow out of your old name? You rebrand with a new one that captures the essence of who you are. That’s what this Michigan-based food company did when they changed their name from The Gluten Free Bar to The Gluten Free Brothers, or The GFB for short.

“When we got our start, gluten-free bars were our only product, so the name made perfect sense,” said Marshall, who co-founded the company with his brother Elliott. “But the bars were such a hit that we decided to add Bites and oatmeal to our line. We needed a new name that encompassed everything we do, both now and in the future. And we decided that, no matter what, we’d always be The Gluten Free Brothers.”

Since the brothers’ gluten intolerance was the driving force behind the company, it was important to them to keep that idea front and center. However, changing the name also provided a great opportunity to update the brand, giving it an updated presence to reflect the brothers and to stand out on the shelf among other nutritious snack foods. 

The GFB worked with Gelcomm (Los Angeles) to refresh the brand and Grand Rapids-based Square One Design to design the website and social media. This change also provided an opportunity for the brothers to re-up their commitment to sustainability, including their zero-waste facility, Certified B Corporation status, and their decision to power their plant with wind and solar energy through a partnership with Consumers Energy Renewable Credit Program.

The website launched this week, and new packaging will start appearing on shelves this summer, as soon as The GFB continues to use up their stock of the previous design, in keeping with their zero-waste policy.

Learn more about The GFB at www.thegfb.com  
