Snack More, Earn More – Get Cash Back on Your Bites!

Love GFB Bites? Love money back? Buy 3+ Bags of Bites, send us your receipt, and get up to $5 back!

You’ve found it—our limited-time deal to try three different flavors of Bites for one crazy-low price! At just $3 for all three twin-packs, this price is so good it’s like we’re giving away the snacks and you’re only paying for shipping.

Just enter your email below, and we’ll send you a secret link to place your order. (It may take a minute or two to arrive, so watch your inbox.)

Your order will contain one of each of these Bites twin packs!

Coconut + Cashew

Dark Chocolate + Coconut

Dark Chocolate + Peanut Butter

Yes, this is Canada packaging, but it is exactly the same product we sell and produce here in the US of A. These twin packs sell like hot cakes in Canada and it's a great way for our US customers to try the products.