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The GFB we've gone green. Wind and solar illustration.

Sustainability. It’s so much more than a flavor of the month.

Ever wonder what goes into making our food? Nothing but the best gluten-free, plant-based ingredients—plus a whole lot of sunshine and wind. 

Okay, you may not be able to taste those sustainable energy sources, but trust us, they’re there. Because we’ve partnered with Consumers Energy’s Renewable Energy Program to power our zero-waste facility with 100 percent clean energy from the wind and the sun.

As a Certified B Corporation, we’re committed to taking care of the planet, and this program gives us a powerful way to do that. By choosing wind and solar facilities across Michigan to power our facility instead of relying on higher carbon-footprint fuels, we can make a sizable dent in greenhouse gas emissions—saving an equivalent of driving 705,299 miles a year, according to U.S. Environmental Protection Agency calculations.

Wow! That’s over 28 times around the earth—a lot of fossil fuel, and a whole lot of fumes. Just imagine what a difference we can make as more businesses and homes make the switch to sustainable energy.

But don’t look for solar panels on our roof or a wind turbine in the parking lot just yet. By enrolling in the Renewable Energy Program, we’re paying a fee that helps Consumers generate more energy at wind and solar parks. 

We hope our excitement is contagious and more people will think about what they and their businesses can do to cut down on greenhouse gases, too. From riding a bike to work to installing solar panels to joining us in renewable energy programs for your home or business, it all adds up to make our planet a better place to live.
Click here for the joint press release with Michigan's Consumers Energy.