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Big Thoughts on Small Batches

Big Thoughts on Small Batches

Some people say bigger is better, and sure, we love to see our company grow. But when it comes to the way we actually make our food, we’re convinced that small is the way to go.

If you’ve ever cooked for a crowd, you know there’s a certain point where doubling, tripling, or quadrupling your recipe results in something that’s not quite as good as the original. The texture is off, the ratio of nuts to batter is wrong, or any number of other subtle or not-so-subtle differences make you take one bite, look at what you’re eating, and say, “Hmmm…”

That’s not the kind of experience we want from our food—not for us, and definitely not for you. We started The GFB because we wanted to make gluten-free food that tastes good, and our test kitchen proves there’s just one way for us to do that: keep our batches small.   

So even though demand for our food is growing, we’re sticking with what works: making every recipe in the limited size we know turns out just right every time. A little of this, a handful of that. (And no ingredients you wouldn’t recognize.) All to bring you the Bars, Bites, and Oatmeal  you love.

We know what works best for our recipes, and we’re sticking to it, one small batch at a time.